our distinctives
TCA College was founded for the purpose of providing men and women with higher education in theological studies and ministerial training that will prepare and equip them to be responsible Christian leaders in promoting the mission of the church.
To this end, in all its activities spanning from instruction, nurture, worship, service and research, TCA College strives for excellence in the service of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the Father.
TCA College endeavors to provide an education that is:
God is the center of all that we are and everything we do.
Life Transforming
We desire to see transformation in thinking, values and praxis so that we may grow in Christ-likeness.
We emphasize the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to produce fruitful lives and effective ministries.
Culturally Relevant
We relate learning to students’ cultural contexts to advance the gospel in the church, the marketplace, and the community.
TCA College aims to produce students whose life and ministry are developed to become relevant both in the church and the market place, making an impact wherever God places them.